Friday, August 13, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 8.13.10 - Fingers Crossed!!!

Morning Ya'll,

     It has been some time since I have written and I apologize.  Lots of things have happened since I have last written, but like Ceasar Milan says, "Live in the now."  The vineyard continues to chug along.  If you have not yet done so please take a quick walk out to the vineyard and check out the veraisoning (sp?) or verating (Is that a word?) of our grapes.  Veraison is when the grapes change color.  
     Since all grapes start off as green like the canopy (wine industry way of saying foliage) the color change obviously differs for red and white grapes.  Our white grape varieties such as Chardonnay, Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Viognier will turn a beautiful golden color.  An exception to this green to golden color change rule is Pinot Grigio (or also know as Pinot Gris).  Pinot Grigio turns from green into a grayish (gris, grigio) purple.  However, the wine will turn out to be a white wine.
     As for the red grape varieties their color change is much more dramatic.  It is amazing to watch the fruit change from green into a deep red color.  It truly is magical to watch this all unfold.  Honestly, the whole process of grape growing from the very beginning is truly magical.  As our logo indicates we are "Growing Magic."  However, this color change signals to Robin and I that we must prepare for the second half... winemaking.  
    The season is looking to be a full two-weeks ahead of schedule.  However, Jim and the crew has remained ahead of the curve and continue to do things in a timely fashion despite no one telling us that this season would be two weeks ahead!  Mother Nature just does that to you sometimes...  Jim and the crew are now applying nets in an effort to thwart off our avian friends.  While I personally am becoming a bird lover, nothing drives me more crazy than a huge flock of starlings flying into the vineyard.  Veraison is the vineyards way of advertising that "Sweet and juicy fruit is available here!"  The birds are more than happy to sample.  Bird netting will deter these voracious customers, but will not prevent them.  The most frustrating thing about Starlings is that they are not a native species.  But, it is suitable really because neither are our grape vines. Keep your fingers crossed as we come down the stretch! 
    This weekend we will play host to a Wiffle Ball Tournament and the NoFo Craft Beer Festival.  It is suitable as we are the "Official Craft Wine of Craft Beer Drinkers."  I will have the opportunity to see many of my good friends and colleagues from the brewing world.  In fact I will speaking on a panel with Spencer Niebuhr from the Southampton Publick House (my old stomping grounds).  We will be discussing food and wine vs. food and beer pairings.  It should promise to be a very entertaining discussion, to say the least.  
Lastly, I would like to say congratulations to Robin Epperson and her fiance Andrew McCarthy as they prepare to get married. Robin will be returning as Robin Epperson McCarthy on Wednesday! Congrats Robin and Andrew! As always Eat Local, Drink Local, Live Local!! WoRd...


- Juan.

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901
CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!


FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @phermentation1 and #marthaclara

Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, July 9, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 7.9.10 - Martha on the Move...

Morning Ya'll,

     It has been a busy week at the farm and winery.  The vineyard continued its record procession towards ripeness this week.  A report that was issued this week from Cornell told us that we are around 200 growing degree days ahead of 2007.   If anyone recalls 2007 it was an incredibly warm year that yielded beautiful fruit.  At this point in time we are well ahead of that and we still have the rest of July, August, and September to go!  Typically we will begin to harvest in late September, but this could happen sooner if we continue this warm trend.  
    At the winery we have finally received some our long anticipated packaging material so we will be able to continue bottling soon.  Robin and I have been discussing and tasting blends.  This morning we will be tasting through the 2009 reds as we prepare to rack these wines.  Additionally, we have been discussing our strategy for the 2010 winemaking season.  It is closer than we would like to think!
     This weekend we have a whole bunch 'o things going on at the vineyard.  We will have live music on Sat. and Sun.  Tomorrow at 11am I will be leading a group of people and canines on our first Vines and Canines walking tour.  Along the way I will discuss the history of Long Island's geography, the history of the farm, and information about viticulture.  On Saturday evening we will take back to the high seas for our Sunset Sails Wine Cruises with Captain Bob.  Please be sure to check out the website for all of the great stuff we have going on!
     For the folks in Nassau County we will be hosting a wine dinner at the Plattdeutsche in Franklin Square on Saturday evening July 17th.  It will be a great opportunity to enjoy Martha Clara Vineyards wines without having to come out to the vineyard.  The dinner will be served al fresco at the Plattdeutsche which if you have not been, is a truly special place filled with a rich German history.  Please tell friends and family to the West to come on out and join us!
       Lastly, we will be releasing the much anticipated 2009 SO VIN YON BLONK in the tasting room.  The 2008 SO VIN YON BLONK is just about running out.  The 2008 won Sauvignon Blanc of the Year at the New York Wine and Grape Foundations annual competition.  The 2008 is a beautiful wine, but the 2009 steps up the intensity.  Both are dynamite wines, but I am just happy to be able to offer the 2009, so come on down and give it a taste!  Catch ya'll later!!!



Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!


FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @phermentation1 and #marthaclara
IMPORTANT: E-mails from this company normally contain confidential material for the sole use of the intended recipient. The use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by an unintended recipient of any communication is prohibited without our express approval in writing or by e-mail. Any use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by persons who are not intended recipients of this e-mail may be a violation of law and is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete all copies. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this transmission. This message is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or related financial instruments. All e-mails sent to or from Martha Clara Vineyards, LLC, and its affiliates are to be used for our business purposes only. E-mails sent from or to the company are subject to review by the company.

Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, July 2, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 7.2.10 - Celebrate Independence, DriNk LoCaL.

Morning Ya'll,

      Well, the Summer continues to motor on as this weekend is already
the Fourth of July!  Traditionally we celebrate our freedom from
"Mother England" by grilling various foods and drinking copious amounts
of fermented beverages.  This year I ask ya'll to celebrate by drinking
a bit of the great local wines that the region has to offer, and there
are a plenty to be had!
     The vineyard continues to move right ahead.  The warm dry weather
continues to be relentless as growth in the vineyard continues.  In
fact, we have completed fruit set and now have pea sized berries across
the vineyard in all 14 varieties.  Jim and the guys continue to hedge,
leaf pull, shoot position, and have even begun some irrigation.  The
craziest thing about all of this is that the extended forecast
continues to look favorable for fruit development.  At this pace
harvest could start 3-weeks earlier, but I don't want to "jump the gun"
on this one.  
     The next step will be the arduous task of fruit thinning.  Grape
vines will always produce more fruit than is ideal for making wine.
 Remember, natures plan in all of this is to promote the species, not
to make wine.  We are the crazy ones turning the grapes into wine.  In
order to make high quality wine we will "thin crop".  In doing this we
take newly developed clusters and cut the to the ground in the hopes of
taking the vines fruit ripening ability and focusing it in on fewer
clusters.   Thus, producing riper and more flavorful fruit.  Both of
these are critical to produce the tasty good stuff we offer in the
tasting room.    
     As for the winery we are preparing to bottle the 2008 reds as well
as the remaining 2009 Whites and rose'.  It has been a tumultuous
bottling season with some packaging being harder to secure than others.
 However, there is now some light at the end of the tunnel.  
     So, as you go about your normal holiday routine please remember to
drink responsibly and drink local when you can!  Happy Fourth of July!  

        Cheers Ya'll,


P.S. - The Dog Days of Summer officially start tomorrow!

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!


FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @phermentation1 and #marthaclara

Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, June 25, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 6.25.10 - Strawberry Moon.

Morning Ya'll, 

       The season is in full swing.  We have reached and passed the Summer Solstice, Strawberry Festival, and the Strawberry Moon.  The season continues to be a great one in the vineyard.  Jim and the guys are in the midst of pulling leaves, lifting wires, hedging and mowing!  Fruit set is all but complete in the vineyard and it seems like we have had a good fruit set.  The next step is to get leaves removed in order expose the newly forming clusters to sun and air.   Leaf removal will naturally give a better resistance to diseases that sometimes can affect the vineyard. Also, Jim will be giving his second class of Vines to Wines. There will be much to discuss in Vines to Wines. 
      It is going to be a busy week on the North Fork.  The first annual Food and Wine Festival will be held in Greenport.  In celebration and conjunction with the festival we will offer a barrel tasting at the tasting room.  We will be offering barrel samples of the 2009 Merlot and Cabernet Franc.  Robin and I will be on hand to offer these samples .  For more information on this festival check out our website and click the link to the North Fork Food and Wine Festival. If you like food and wine, well you will not want to miss this! 
     Last weekend we had our Maiden Voyage for Sunset Sails and a great time it was!  We had a wonderful evening of beautiful scenic views, great wine, great food, great people, and great conversation.  We have more dates available and highly suggest people take advantage of at least one voyage. Sunset Sails is a great deal for our wine club members as they receive $20 off of each ticket. 
     If you are single and/or you know some single people tonight is our Singles Mingle.  DJ Phil will be making the tunes happen and Arthur Murray Dance Studio of Patchogue will be offering a group lesson.  But, hey Singles Mingle is not limited to singles!  If you like to dance and drink great wine, well Singles Mingle is for you as well! Enjoy the great weather and hopefully you will be making the North Fork a destination this weekend! DriNk LoCaL.   



  Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez 
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards 
6025 Sound Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 

  CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on! 



   FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @phermentation1 and #marthaclara 

   IMPORTANT: E-mails from this company normally contain confidential material for the sole use of the intended recipient. The use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by an unintended recipient of any communication is prohibited without our express approval in writing or by e-mail. Any use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by persons who are not intended recipients of this e-mail may be a violation of law and is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete all copies. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this transmission. This message is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or related financial instruments. All e-mails sent to or from Martha Clara Vineyards, LLC, and its affiliates are to be used for our business purposes only. E-mails sent from or to the company are subject to review by the company. 


Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, June 18, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 6.18.10 - Summer in Full Swing!!!

Morning Ya'll,

      Well, Lady Summer is in full effect showing us all why we love Long Island so much!  Sometimes during the Winter it can be tough here on Long Island, but then Spring rolls around.  Soon after Spring we have our beautiful Long Island Summers.  We are in the midst of one of those beautiful and very seductive summers right now.  Many things are ahead of schedule this year including the vines.  Jim and guys have been trying to keep up with all of this wonderful weather we have been having.

      In the recorded history of the wine industry on Long Island this is the earliest we have seen flowering and fruit set. There are many activities that are being completed all at once in the vineyard. We are suckering, mowing, raising wires, hedging, and starting to remove leaves all at once.  In a typical year we would be conducting two to three operations at once.  Does this mean we are going to be picking earlier this year?  Well, the jury is still out on that one...  We will just have to wait and see...
     I received some very good news yesterday.  It seems at the NYS Fair Commercial Wine Competition we received several medals.  We received Double Gold for the 2008 Viognier, Gold for the 2009 Riesling, and Silver medals for the 2009 So Vin Yon Blonk, 2009 Gewurztraminer, 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon, and the 2007 Five-O Red.  The wine club members this quarter received a knockout selection of wines with all three of their wines receiving medals!  To see the results for yourself check out this link: 
     Our wine club event last week was a huge success.  It was great to see everyone and share our latest offerings!  Two of the three wines are not even available in the tasting room yet!  Yet another great reason to be a member of the wine club.  Lastly, we will be heading off with Captain Bob this weekend into the Sunset.  Sunset Sails will be this weekend.  It will be a great opportunity to see the North Fork and all its splendor from the Long Island Sound.  It will be 1.5-2hour cruise aboard the Captain Bob V in Mattituck. Some light food will be available and with each sail we will have some wines that are library or not in release just yet... I hope to see you on one of the sails this Summer.  Check out the website for more information!!!

      Cheers Ya'll,


Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!


  FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @phermentation1 and #marthaclara

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our business purposes only. E-mails sent from or to the company are
subject to review by the company.


Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, June 11, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 6.11.10 - As Local as Local Wine Gets...

This was supposed to go out early this morning, but I had some problems with sending it...  Enjoy!

Hey Ya'll 

      Well, we received some much needed rain. We were considering turning on the irrigation, but Mother Nature did just that for us! The rain has come during the sensitive time of flowering in the vineyard. In 2009 we had several severe storms that came during flowering and these greatly lowered yields. We will evaluate to see if we had any damage. 
    It surely seems that Local is in! It seems that many bars and restaurants are proudly talking about their use of Local produce and Local wines. It is great for our region to have more and more of this occurring. We are fortunate to be in region that grows incredible grapes and other forms of produce. As farmers we are integral part of keeping the East End as beautiful as it is. 
    When you buy Local wine it supports so many people in the local community. It is an integral part of the economic ecosystem on Long Island and NY as a State. It is a great time of year where you can visit a farm stand and buy produce and then visit a vineyard to purchase wine. If you are a on-the-go type of person there are many great options for restaurants serving Local as well. 
    As always I know it is not possible to keep Local in the food and drink rotation 100% of the time, but just keeping it in the rotation is doing your part to support Local and I thank you! Every little bit helps! It is not criminal to substitute a non-local wine in here and there, but only as long as it is here and there. Otherwise, the "Local" Police may come for you. They are kind of like the "Fashion" Police except the "Local" police where denim coveralls. 
      Lastly, I want to mention that we have some cool things going on in the near future. For starters tomorrow night we have our quarterly wine club event. It is an Exclusive gathering for Wine Club Members. I will be on hand to talk about our new release 2009 Sauvignon Blanc, 2009 Riesling, and 2007 Five-O Red. Also, next Saturday and during other Saturdays we will have our Sunset Sails Wine Cruise's. These are an hour and a half cruise leaving from Mattituck Inlet with Captain Bob. Reservations are a must! We will feature an assortment of wines, some library wines not available in the tasting room for sale. They will be a lot of fun! Please check out the website for dates and times. 

    Cheers Ya'll, 


  Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez 
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards 
6025 Sound Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 
CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on! 

   FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @phermentation1 and #marthaclara 

   IMPORTANT: E-mails from this company normally contain confidential material for the sole use of the intended recipient. The use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by an unintended recipient of any communication is prohibited without our express approval in writing or by e-mail. Any use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by persons who are not intended recipients of this e-mail may be a violation of law and is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete all copies. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this transmission. This message is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or related financial instruments. All e-mails sent to or from Martha Clara Vineyards, LLC, and its affiliates are to be used for our business purposes only. E-mails sent from or to the company are subject to review by the company. 


Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, June 4, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 6.4.10 - Eat Local, Drink Local, Live Local.

Morning Ya’ll,

     Well, Summer is certainly upon us and this warmer weather has accelerated growth.  It is estimated that we are approximately 2-3 weeks ahead in the vineyard!  The recent warm weather has caused one of the earliest blooms in the history of viticulture (fancy way of saying grape growing)!  Bloom is when the small flowers on the vines come into “bloom”.  The earlier than normal bloom could have impacts on our harvest, but it is entirely to early to say what will happen.  We will have to keep a keen eye to the weather and watch as 2010 unfolds.  The uniqueness of the wine industry is that you are always at the whims of nature and no two vintages are alike.
     One week ago we had our first ever Wine and Wigs Dance Party and it was a great time.  We had a number of great wigs on hand and the Penguin even had a wig too!  You can follow the Penguin on Twitter @mcvpenguin.  There is always great banter between Robin and the Penguin on Twitter as they sort out there differences.  The Penguin has been quoted as calling Robin a “poser”.  His issue is that she falsely implies she is a bird with her name “Robin” when in fact she actually is a mammal.  I understand his argument, but chill out Penguin!  Robin can be followed on Twitter @robinepp.
     Local seems to be all the buzz.  It is great to see an emphasis on local.  Local food and local drinks are incredibly important to our local economy. (Pun not intended)  When you buy locally produced products you support your neighbors.  It can be challenging to live a life completely filled with only local products, but if everyone gets local into their rotation it could greatly help our local economy.  So the next time you are out and there is a local option, please consider local.  Your neighbors thank you!



Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!



FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @phermentation1 and #marthaclara

IMPORTANT: E-mails from this company normally contain confidential material for the sole use of the intended recipient. The use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by an unintended recipient of any communication is prohibited without our express approval in writing or by e-mail. Any use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by persons who are not intended recipients of this e-mail may be a violation of law and is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete all copies. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this transmission. This message is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or related financial instruments. All e-mails sent to or from Martha Clara Vineyards, LLC, and its affiliates are to be used for our business purposes only. E-mails sent from or to the company are subject to review by the company.

Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, May 21, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 5.21.10 - I'm a Little Tea Cup...

Morning Ya’ll,

     Well, things continue to chug along in the vineyard. Jim and the guys continue to monitor the vineyard as growth continues.  We are all very much looking forward to warmer weather.  The next step in the vineyard will be to get the wires up as the tender shoots continue to grow.  The new growth is tender much like a thin stalk of asparagus.  If we were not to secure this growth with wires it could fall victim to winds.  The wires also ensure that growth occurs in a vertical manner.  Our method of trellising is called VSP - Vertical Shoot Positioning.  In the vineyard you can see what will form a cluster of grapes in the near future.  It is an exciting time of year in the vineyard!
    Robin and I spent some time tasting and discussing the 2009 vintage wines.  We are getting ready to “rack” the wines from barrel.  A “racking” of the wines will help clarify the wines.  Our red wines are bottled unfiltered and aging in barrel is the way that we allow nature to filter our wines naturally.  We typically rack the wines every 3-4 months.
     In the tasting room the 2009 Riesling and Gewurztraminer have been received with rave reviews.  It is exciting to have our third vintage of white wines in release.  It is wonderful to the see the great consistency in the wines.  We have some really nice wines waiting for release in the 2009 Vintage.  The 2008 Sauv. Blanc and Pinot Grigio are almost out, but we need to sell out of these before we can release the 2009’s.  There has been some sneak peak tasting of the 2009 Sauv. Blanc and someone said it was “drop your draws” good!  Wine Club Friends will be receiving the 2009 Sauv Blanc prior to its release in the tasting room.  However, let’s not forget the 2008 Sauv. Blanc won best Sauv. Blanc in NYS last year!
     Next Friday is our first Wine and Wigs Dance Party.  Wigs are not required, but are certainly welcomed!  The JuanMaker has several wigs (Why am I not surprised…) and needs your help to decide which one to wear.  Check out
to see his latest video and maybe you can help him out? ( I really think he is beyond help personally.)
     The Twittersphere has been blowing up as Robin and the Penguin are in a heated battle to get more followers on Twitter.  Robin our Assistant Winemaker can be followed on twitter @robinepp and the Penguin can be followed @MCVPenguin.  I personally am pro-Team @robinepp because it seems that fame has gone to the Penguins head.  However, the bird or person to get fewer followers will have to sing “I’m a Little Tea Cup” for a video.  Alright, ya’ll so if you could help the JuanMaker decide what wig to wear and follow Robin or the Penguin on Twitter and pass on the word!  Catch ya’ll later!

    - Juan.

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!



FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @phermentation1 and #marthaclara

IMPORTANT: E-mails from this company normally contain confidential material for the sole use of the intended recipient. The use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by an unintended recipient of any communication is prohibited without our express approval in writing or by e-mail. Any use, distribution, transmittal or re-transmittal by persons who are not intended recipients of this e-mail may be a violation of law and is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete all copies. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this transmission. This message is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or related financial instruments. All e-mails sent to or from Martha Clara Vineyards, LLC, and its affiliates are to be used for our business purposes only. E-mails sent from or to the company are subject to review by the company.

Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, April 30, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 4.30.10 - Contingency Plan.

Morning Ya’ll,

     May is Rose’ month and we will be offering a pink flight at the vineyard. We will offer the Brut rose’, Bernie Rose’, and re-offer the Syrah Rose’.  The Syrah rose’ was offered two wine club shipments ago and we have some of this still available.  So, we will re-offer it for the flight.  However, any purchase of this rose’ is ONLY available to wine club members.  Current members and new members may purchase as long as it lasts!!!  We will also offer a sneak peak of the Five-o Rose’ and when the Syrah Rose’ runs out we will offer the Five-O in its place.  I spoke about the Five-O Rose’ last week so if you missed that email then give it a read as a refresher.
     I am looking forward to bottling the Five-O Rose’, but that darned volcano has caused havoc in the shipping industry.  My screw cap shipment has been delayed as a result of the volcano.  It really just shows how small the world is!  Everything is connected…
    In the vineyard Jim and the guys are drawing nearer to completing tying.  The cooler weather has been an ally in helping complete the job comfortably.  Early April was a bit scary for all vineyard managers as the early warmth meant an early bud break.  Early bud breaks in theory are great because this could lead to earlier ripening and harvesting, but other issues can arise with an early bud break.
     The most scary scenario is a Spring frost.  When the tender new bud growth comes out it is highly susceptible to frost.  Grape vines in general even with mature growth are highly susceptible to frost.  An early spring frost could cause severe damage to new bud growth.  However, Mother Nature has a contingency plan for these types of events.  The first buds that emerge are called primary buds.  If the primary buds receive damage mother nature has secondary and even tertiary (these come out after the secondary’s) buds ready to go.
     While it is just amazing that grape vines have evolved to handle many of the elements that exist in nature, the secondary buds are never as fruitful as the primary.  What this means is that the “secondary’s” will never produce the amount of fruit that the “primary’s” could.  So, a frost would automatically decrease the potential amount of fruit that the vineyard could yield.
     However, at this point in the year and looking at the extended forecast one would believe that the potential of frost damage is minimal at this time.  One would hope…  So, keep your fingers crossed and let’s get this Spring ball rolling and bring on Summer!!! WoRdD.

      Cheers Ya’ll,

             - Juan.

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!




Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, April 23, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 4.23.10 - NoLa Knows Local.

Hey ya’ll,

     Well, I am pleased to be reporting from the home of Local, New Orleans, La. While Local has been really gaining steam in other parts of the country it has always been the way of life in New Orleans.  From local fish, crawfish, pastries, coffee, breads, sausage, music, and veggies to name a few things NoLa Knows Local.  It is great to be part of such a dynamic city which offers so much incredible cuisine and music.  From your local Po Boy (Poor Boy) shop to your high end cuisine you will find heaps of local products on menu’s.   Local is the norm, not the exception.
     Gumbo one of the more well known cuisines from the city is a great inspiration to my wine making.  The Five-0 series of wines is a wine gumbo.  There is never more than 50% of any one variety (Hence the name Five-0) and it is a true gumbo of the wine world.  I often will describe our Five-0 wines as gumbo’s.  I am pleased to announce that in addition to our White and red wine gumbo we will be releasing our pink or rose’ wine gumbo.
     The Five-O rose’ is a blend of ALL of our red grape varieties.  It is an intriguing blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Syrah, Petit Verdot, Malbec, and Pinot Noir.  All of these were field blended (meaning harvested together) except the Pinot Noir.  These were crushed, soaked, pressed, and fermented together.  The blending occurred in the vineyard.  It was fermented in an oak tank and stayed on the lees for 4-months.  It will be a dryer style of rose’ that will pair well with many types of cuisine.  It will continue the line of dynamite gumbo’s that we offer at the vineyard.
     While enjoying many of the wonderful cuisines I have been introducing myself to some of the wine buyers in the area.  I am hopeful that in the near future Martha Clara wines will be served in New Orleans.  It would be a great honor to have Martha Clara wines served along with the incredible cuisine that NoLa has to offer!
     Although I am away there has been much going on at the vineyard as Michelle and Robin have been taking the show on the road showing the MCV wines around with great reception.  Also, this weekend Jim starts the much anticipated Vines to Wines program.  This should be a great opportunity to learn about the art and science involved in wine growing.
     I am very much looking forward to returning to the vineyard, but in the meantime I am off to hear the great music of New Orleans at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival as well as taste many of the wonderful delicacies that the Fest has to offer.  I will be updating Twitter and Facebook frequently, so keep a look out!

     Cheers Ya’ll,

      - Juan.

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!




Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Saturday, April 17, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 4.17.10 - Somebody's Getting Married...

Hey Ya'll,

      Well, it was a pretty busy week here on the farm... Jim and the vineyard crew continue to tie in the vineyard.  The recent weather has been in our favor.  The rapid growth has slowed down, but their is still plenty of tying to be done in the vineyard.
     I would like to welcome Robin Epperson to the team here at Martha Clara.  Robin will be serving as Assistant Winemaker.  She is a locally raised winemaker that has traveled and worked extensively both here in the U.S. and abroad.  She brings a wealth of knowledge and talents to Martha Clara and we are pleased to have her join us. 
      Michelle and I were in NYC this week and we are pleased to announce that the Rattle n Hum Bar will have eight Martha Clara wines by the glass.  We also have a promising 2-4 wines on at another prominent Manhattan location.        
      Michelle and Robin attended the J. Kings food show at Hofstra University along with our distributor Boening Bros.  Many great contacts were made and hopefully we will see more Martha Clara wines at local restaurants.  Another great promotion that we are participating in is the Great Local Restaurants of Long Island.  Definitely check out this dynamite promotion at
     At the winery we were bottling, bottling, bottling.  We bottled the 2009 Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Gewurztraminer, and Pinot Grigio.  It was a big week of bottling, but it is nice to have these wines in bottle and in the warehouse.
     Lastly, I would like to congratulate (our Graphic Designer and the man behind the camera of the JuanMaker) Matt and his lovely wife-to-be as they prepare to get married.  Congrat's!  In any event cheers ya'll and remember to drink local!!!  Word.

       - Juan.

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!




Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, April 9, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 4.9.10 - "Its Spring Again..."

Hey Ya'll,

       Well, Spring has certainly sprung with the recent warm weather.  Every where you look there are budding trees and beautiful flowers.  It has been an interesting year thus far and we are only in April.  The vineyard has been pretty intense trying to stay ahead of the budding vines.  Jim and his crew have been diligently tying down canes.
      We are seeing definite bud swell in the vineyard.  This is pretty much 3-weeks ahead of schedule.  I am frequently being asked how this will affect the vines.  Well, being that we are about 3-weeks ahead of schedule there is still a risk of frost.  However, several factors are in our favor.  Primarily it has been very warm and the heat has been increasing the earths temperature making it more difficult for a frost to occur.  Another important factor is the lengthening days.  The days are getting longer so the chances of dropping down to frigid temperatures decreases as the percentage of daylight increases.  Another major factor is that all so important maritime climate.  The bodies of water surrounding us moderate our temperatures and buffer us from temperature extremes.  If we have no frost, well it could be an amazing vintage.  Whites in August and Reds in September?
      None the less we have many months ahead of us to make judgements on the vintage and I am sure there will be many...  The Farmer's Almanac called for a snowy winter and that was pretty much right on.  The Almanac suggested we would see a warmer than usual Spring and at this rate that seems pretty much right on as well.  The projections for the Summer are a warm dry summer.  Stay tuned for more news...
    Lastly, we would like to welcome Granola our newest tortoise on the farm.  Check out our Facebook page for some photos. Talk with ya'll soon!


        - Juan. 

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!




Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, April 2, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 4.2.10 - "Sun is Shining, Weather is Sweet..."

Morning Ya’ll,

     Happy April!!! The weather has been interesting to say the least… I think most folks here on the East End would agree that we have not seen anything like this in the recent past. Some people have asked how this will affect the vineyard. Well, because we are not yet in the growing season this will have no effect. The concern in the vineyard right now is bud break. The weather that we will see over the next several days will certainly initiate bud swelling which precedes bud break.
     The “buds” (and no I am not talking about beer) are the parts of the grape vine that will be the source of new growth. These buds will emerge from the canes that were grown the previous year. It is very important that we complete both pruning and tying prior to bud growth getting too long. Many vineyard managers are nervously watching the increasing temperatures. Jim has taken on some extra hands on the farm to assure we get things completed.  It will none the less be close, but this winter posed a challenging work environment.
     I am awaiting some final packaging, but look to start bottling next week. The 2009 Riesling and Gewurtz will be going into bottle with the 2009 Sauv. Blanc and Pinot Grigio following shortly behind. It is an interesting time of year in which we are still working on last years wines, but eagerly awaiting the beginning of the 2010 season.
      Lastly, Michelle and I spent some time in Brooklyn meeting with accounts. It is great to see how well Martha Clara Wines are being received. There are some really great wine shops in Brooklyn along with great restaurants. It is great to see and be part of a renaissance of neighborhoods and witness an increased demand for local wines. While talking with a wine buyer from a bottle shop in Brooklyn we were told that the presence of local wines in their store was fueled by demand. That is consumers coming into the shop and asking for local wine. The local thing is happening and it is awesome! Talk with ya’ll soon and enjoy the weather!


           - Juan.

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!




Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, March 26, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 3.26.10 - Born to Be Wild!!!

Morning Ya'll,

      It was a busy week around here at the vineyard and this will continue right through the weekend.  Last weekend's Wine Club event was a great success.  I had a sneak preview of the 2009 Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling.  These were warmly welcomed by the folks that attended the event.  Larry Kolar of LK Catering provided some delicious noshes for people to taste and Victor from Arthur Murray Dance Studios of Southampton and Patchogue led a group dance lesson.  Merengue was the flavor of the evening along with a bit of Hustle led by James of Arthur Murray in Merrick.  The event was a lot of fun and I look forward to our quarterly releases.
     The vineyard continues to get pruned and Jim has been spending a lot of time preparing the vineyard for the upcoming growing season.  In addition Jim is starting to prepare for his Vines to Wine program which will launch this Spring.  Check it out at:  It will be a great way for someone with an interest in wine and especially viticulture to take their interest to a whole new level.  
     If you are into great wine, African Art, Weddings, Egg Hunts, and/or Wild Women then Martha Clara is the place for you this weekend!  We have an events calendar chock full of great stuff!!!  I know for sure that the JuanMaker is into Wild Women, but that guy is just off of his rocker!  God Bless the lady that can tolerate the JuanMaker... 
     Lastly, I attended a delicious dinner with colleagues at Love Lane Kitchen hosted by Lenn Thompson on Wednesday evening.  It was an eclectic mix of 12 people from the industry.  Each of us brought a wine to be tasted blindly and it was mix of local and non-local wines.  The local wines that were peppered into the tasting showed quite well.  I can say without hesitation that our wines can stand up against wines from anyplace in the world and it is great to be part of an industry that can produce such a diverse array of high quality wines.  Quite frankly drinking local is real easy to do when their is such a high caliber of wines being produced right here in our backyards.  I am quite excited about tasting more of the liquid goodness being produced right here on the East End.  DRiNk LoCaL, EaT LoCaL, Word!     


         - Juan.

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!




Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, March 19, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 3.18.10 - On the Road Again...

Morning Ya'll,

     Well, it seems that Spring has sprung...for now.  It is still March and winter can still make a quick appearance (But we are all hoping that does not happen).   It is nice however to see the green of plants pushing through the soil.  I was in the vineyard yesterday and you could see the flow of sap from the pruning wounds.  These wounds will soon heal and the sap will not flow from the vine, but this flow indicates to us that the soil is warming.
      Bud break typically does not happen until Early May, but it has happened earlier than that in the past.  Jim and the guys have most of the pruning completed, but there is still tying and chopping that needs to be done.  The warmer weather such as we are having now is enough to make every vineyard manager sweat.  My indicator for bud break are the dandelions, and thus far I see no sign of them.  Bud break always coincides with a beautiful bloom of dandelions in the vineyard.  Although considered a weed by most they are a beautiful site in early Spring.
      Michelle and I have been on the road in NYC.  We have been busy visiting accounts and we are much to our pleasure finding people interested in local wines.  As the greater awareness of all things local increases it is wonderful to stop into an account and find that people are genuinely interested.  This is very exciting as we have some great local wines to offer.
     Sure you can by a $5 wine from another place in the world, which may be very nice.  However, where does that money go?  Does it stay in our community, township, county, state, or even country?  Although only $5 dollars there is possibly a greater loss because that $5 is gone from our local area.  Buying local means you support your neighbors and your friends.  I am not saying only drink local, but definitely keep local in the rotation.  There is nothing better than being able to visit the vineyard, winery, brewery, farm stand, oyster bed, farmer, etc. that your food and/or drink may be coming from.  What is even better is when you visit you can see that we are all part of the same community and if you are coming from New York City it is but a mere 75 miles from where all of this great stuff is coming from. 
      At the winery there is much preparation of the 2009 White wines that will soon be going to bottle.  I know there are lots of fans of the 2008's, but the 2009's are exceptional.  I cannot wait to see some of these wines released.  If the 2008's were turning heads the 2009's are going to make peoples heads spin right around and quite possibly may pop right off!  These babies are smokin'!  In fact we are going to have the A/C on while bottling just to keep the equipment from overheating.  It is a first in which we have had to do this, but we will find it necessary for keeping the equipment running.  Well, in any event I hope to see Wine Club Friends at the event this weekend.  And if you are not a Wine CLub Friend... What are you waiting for?  Catch ya'll later!


              - Juan.  

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!




Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, February 26, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 2.26.10 - I <3 Petroleum

Hey Ya'll,

     Well, things continue to move along in the winery and vineyard.  The 2009 White wines are getting closer and closer to bottle.  The 2009 Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling are truly stunning wines.  We will have a terrific line-up of wines to replace the 2008's when they run out and there is not much of them left.  You better snatch them up and let folks know that the 2008's are almost running out.  
     The 2008 Riesling is just starting to open up and change aromatically.  When it first went into the bottle it had intense tangerine peel and white tea leaf aromatics with a balanced acidity.  The wine now has about a year in bottle and the acidity has settled down a wee bit and the tangerine peel and white tea leaf have begun to turn into petroleum.  If you are newer to the whole idea of tasting wine think Vaseline and or fuel(I know this is weird).  This group of aromatics in wine are referred to as "Petrol" like.  Well, the 2008 whites are just starting to evolve and will age very well.  All of the whites are changing and will taste beautifully for the next 3-5 years.  I do believe the viognier and chardonnay will drink well for at least 5-7 years if aged properly.  
     The wine club event on Saturday, March 13th will be a lot of fun.  In addition to being able to taste the 2007 Cab Franc, 2007 Cab Sauv, and 2008 Five-O White I will have tank samples of the 2009 Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling.  The new wine club releases will again be paired with tasty morsels prepared by Larry Kohlar of L.K. Catering.  Larry prepared those awesome mini-pot pies that paired amazingly with the 2008 Estate Reserve Chardonnay at the last wine club release party.  
     But, that's not all!!!  We will have Arthur Murray Dance Studios of Southampton and Patchogue
 on hand to give a group dance lesson to our wine club members.  Arthur Murray is great!!!  Bridget and I have been taking dance lessons for the past 3 years!!!  Rumor has it we may just be showing off some of our fancy footwork.  Bottom line is this wine club release/pick-up party will be a lot of fun!!!  I hope to see you there!!!  And if you are not a wine club member, what are you waiting for?  Stay warm and think Spring.


        - Juan.  

Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Anybody watchin' Frontline? Crazy sh**!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous


Big NeWs... Our new paper cutter has a laser!  That is pretty sweet!

Posted via web from phermentation1's posterous

Friday, February 19, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 2.19.10 - To Decant, or Not to Decant???

Hey Ya'll,

       This week was a little more bearable as we were spared any serious snow accumulations.  Here on the East End we had a heavy dusting of snow, where as our neighbors to the west saw considerably more.  I was shocked upon driving to Franklin Square to see the amount of snow on the ground in Nassau County. 
       I had to travel to Franklin Square to meet with the folks from The Plattdeusche Restaurant to discuss a wine dinner that Martha Clara will be hosting in July.  Yeah, it seems hard to believe but we were discussing an evening of wine under the stars in July as we walked over piles of snow!  I am very much looking forward to this dinner in quite a magnificent place filled with history and culture.  I am also looking forward to warm summer evenings!
      ***SnAp****  Okay, well back to reality it is mid-February and I have "tasted" a good number of red wines this winter.  I am often asked, "should I decant my wines?"  Well, if you asked me this a few years ago I would have told you, "no."  Now we find wines being released sooner and I am beginning to understand the value of a good decanter.  With 3 decanters in the house all of a different shape I have had many decanting options and opportunities.  My findings have been that regardless of shape decanting is recommended!!!!  I find opening a cellar cooled red best if served decanted for about 1 hour prior to tasting.  If you doubt this, open a bottle of wine and pour a small glass out then decant the rest.  Immediately taste the glass you poured out and take note of its flavor.  Now, vigorously swirl the decanter to expose the wine to air and let stand for 1 hour.  After an hour pour a glass from the decanter and compare this to your non-decanted wine.  The decanted wine will be more expressive in regards to flavor and the tannins will have softened.  Please try it for yourself the next time you open a red wine, if you have not already done so or better yet maybe you already decant?. 
       If you do not finish the bottle the first night it can stay in the decanter for a day or two.  Most homes are on the cooler side this time of year and the wine will hold just fine.  It is important to keep the decanter opening covered when not in use.  Others have asked me, "What about the red staining in the decanter?"  Yeah, what about it?  That just indicates a decanter that gets used!  
     Well, that's all for now.  I have also been asked to tell you that the JuanMaker now has his own Facebook page and you should friend him at your leisure.  Catch ya'll later!!!

            - Juan.          

Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010


Holy tartrates Batman!!!

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901
Office 631.298.0075 x23
Fax 631.298.5502
Mobile 631.767.5003

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!




Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

MCV FARM NEWS - 2/12/09 - Think Spring.

Morning Ya'll,

Well, it has been a while since I have written a formal email but, if you have any particular questions please ask!!! You can ask me on Facebook, Twitter, Posterous, LinkedIn, Blogger and YouTube. I ask that you friend and/or follow me and fan the vineyard on all of the websites I just mentioned. As always if you have questions I will answer them.

The wines are moving along well. We will soon be bottling the 2009 whites in early March. The 2009's will have dynamite concentration of flavor with beautiful acidity. I am quite excited to see these wines make there way to bottle. The 2009 reds are moving along through malolactic fermentation and are starting to enter their teenage years in wine speak... They are still a bit awkward, but starting to come around and show their potential. I have been busy preparing the 2008 blends. I am very excited about these as I am really having a lot of fun looking at all of my blending options.

Blending is much like a conductor, conducting an orchestra. Each blend component is a different instrument bringing a different attribute to the ensemble. Some are big up front, some have beautiful middles, and others have a wonderful finish. However, the whole that is created when brought together will be greater than any part. Needless to say blending is the art of wine making and quite enjoyable at that!!! The vineyard is in its winter slumber, but Jim and the guys continue to tend to the vines one by one.

The vineyard has been in its winter splendor and despite the biting cold is truly a beautiful sight. So, if you can put on a few extra layers and take a winter hike through the vineyard. It is great to see the vines and how they look when they get a "haircut." Talk with ya'll soon and enjoy the winter!!! Think Spring.



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