Friday, June 26, 2009

Turn on the Switch!!!

Morning Ya'll,

        Well, I would like talk about the weather but quite frankly there really is nothing I can do about it!  In the industry vineyard manager's often talk about Long Island and its seasonal transitions as being quite abrutpt.  It is often typical for one to describe the change from Winter to Summer as if someone has turned on a light switch.  Well, if anybody out there knows somebody...that knows somebody...please have that person in charge of the switch, turn the damn thing on!  I wonder if there is anybody out there that truly enjoys this weather?  
        The primary question I get now is how will this affect the grapes?  Well, the truth is we really don't know?  I am optimistic that it will be minimal because we are taking many necessary precautions to combat the excessive moisture.  Canopy management is always crucial in any year, but it is especially crucial on years such as this.  We have been removing shoots to minimize crowding and also removing sterile shoots.  (Sterile shoots are those that do not bear clusters.)  Leaf removal from the fruit zone is going to be a crucial part of good canopy management.  So, this vintage is not over yet and I am still very hopeful that things will turn around!
       Finally, the U.S. Open finished this week and it was a memorable Open for many reasons.  Many spectators were able to watch World Class golf as well as enjoy World Class wines in the clubhouse.  We were pouring an assortment of wines in the clubhouse and the feedback was great!  We are on "Par" with the best wines in the world!  (pun intended)
      We filmed another episode of the JuanMaker.  Check it out at:  We have gotten a bit better with some of the editing, but keep in mind this is still being done on virtually no budget!  So, I hope that these continue to make people laugh a little as well as make people scratch their heads, mainly wondering, "What is he thinking?"  Yes, some may say I am a little crazy, but remember it takes one to know one!

           - Juan.

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