Friday, June 4, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 6.4.10 - Eat Local, Drink Local, Live Local.

Morning Ya’ll,

     Well, Summer is certainly upon us and this warmer weather has accelerated growth.  It is estimated that we are approximately 2-3 weeks ahead in the vineyard!  The recent warm weather has caused one of the earliest blooms in the history of viticulture (fancy way of saying grape growing)!  Bloom is when the small flowers on the vines come into “bloom”.  The earlier than normal bloom could have impacts on our harvest, but it is entirely to early to say what will happen.  We will have to keep a keen eye to the weather and watch as 2010 unfolds.  The uniqueness of the wine industry is that you are always at the whims of nature and no two vintages are alike.
     One week ago we had our first ever Wine and Wigs Dance Party and it was a great time.  We had a number of great wigs on hand and the Penguin even had a wig too!  You can follow the Penguin on Twitter @mcvpenguin.  There is always great banter between Robin and the Penguin on Twitter as they sort out there differences.  The Penguin has been quoted as calling Robin a “poser”.  His issue is that she falsely implies she is a bird with her name “Robin” when in fact she actually is a mammal.  I understand his argument, but chill out Penguin!  Robin can be followed on Twitter @robinepp.
     Local seems to be all the buzz.  It is great to see an emphasis on local.  Local food and local drinks are incredibly important to our local economy. (Pun not intended)  When you buy locally produced products you support your neighbors.  It can be challenging to live a life completely filled with only local products, but if everyone gets local into their rotation it could greatly help our local economy.  So the next time you are out and there is a local option, please consider local.  Your neighbors thank you!



Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!



FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @phermentation1 and #marthaclara

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Posted via email from phermentation1's posterous

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