It has been another busy week both on the farm and off! There have been lots of events going on different parts of the Island. Many of us have been traveling to show off the great wines that we have to offer. I attended Brooklyn Uncorked this week at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM). This event showcases Long Islandwines to the folks in Brooklyn. Long Island continues to peak interest for many Brooklyn-ites. There is a great sense of awareness in regards to the importance of LOCAL wines, not to mention the importance of tattoos and piercings!
The 2008 Riesling and Gewurztraminer were huge hits. People were really enjoying the intense flavors and aromas of these wines. The 2008 Sauvignon Blanc has also been grabbing peoples attention. This is not out yet in the tasting room, but will makes its appearance soon.
Once again our new screw caps did not receive a single negative comment. In fact I had several positive comments regarding our conversion. Additionally, I had multiple positive comments regarding our labels. Our labels are eye catching and are loved by many!
Another webisode of the JuanMaker was filmed this week and is available for viewing at: . Please check it out! I have been receiving lots of positive comments from people in the industry. Please let people in the tasting room know to check us out on as well as friending us on Facebook and MySpace!
Lastly, the vineyard has slowed down in pace a little bit as the temperatures have cooled. It is very early in the season so this does not have any serious season long consequences. Granted we would prefer more heat and more sun, but it is so early in the season. Growth looks good in the vineyard and it seems that we have had a pretty good bud break. The winter was a cold one and it appears that we were relatively unscathed by Old Man Winter. The crew continues to peck away at various things.
In any event if you have questions...ask them, otherwise I shall talk with ya'll soon!
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