Friday, August 13, 2010

MCV FARM NEWS - 8.13.10 - Fingers Crossed!!!

Morning Ya'll,

     It has been some time since I have written and I apologize.  Lots of things have happened since I have last written, but like Ceasar Milan says, "Live in the now."  The vineyard continues to chug along.  If you have not yet done so please take a quick walk out to the vineyard and check out the veraisoning (sp?) or verating (Is that a word?) of our grapes.  Veraison is when the grapes change color.  
     Since all grapes start off as green like the canopy (wine industry way of saying foliage) the color change obviously differs for red and white grapes.  Our white grape varieties such as Chardonnay, Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Viognier will turn a beautiful golden color.  An exception to this green to golden color change rule is Pinot Grigio (or also know as Pinot Gris).  Pinot Grigio turns from green into a grayish (gris, grigio) purple.  However, the wine will turn out to be a white wine.
     As for the red grape varieties their color change is much more dramatic.  It is amazing to watch the fruit change from green into a deep red color.  It truly is magical to watch this all unfold.  Honestly, the whole process of grape growing from the very beginning is truly magical.  As our logo indicates we are "Growing Magic."  However, this color change signals to Robin and I that we must prepare for the second half... winemaking.  
    The season is looking to be a full two-weeks ahead of schedule.  However, Jim and the crew has remained ahead of the curve and continue to do things in a timely fashion despite no one telling us that this season would be two weeks ahead!  Mother Nature just does that to you sometimes...  Jim and the crew are now applying nets in an effort to thwart off our avian friends.  While I personally am becoming a bird lover, nothing drives me more crazy than a huge flock of starlings flying into the vineyard.  Veraison is the vineyards way of advertising that "Sweet and juicy fruit is available here!"  The birds are more than happy to sample.  Bird netting will deter these voracious customers, but will not prevent them.  The most frustrating thing about Starlings is that they are not a native species.  But, it is suitable really because neither are our grape vines. Keep your fingers crossed as we come down the stretch! 
    This weekend we will play host to a Wiffle Ball Tournament and the NoFo Craft Beer Festival.  It is suitable as we are the "Official Craft Wine of Craft Beer Drinkers."  I will have the opportunity to see many of my good friends and colleagues from the brewing world.  In fact I will speaking on a panel with Spencer Niebuhr from the Southampton Publick House (my old stomping grounds).  We will be discussing food and wine vs. food and beer pairings.  It should promise to be a very entertaining discussion, to say the least.  
Lastly, I would like to say congratulations to Robin Epperson and her fiance Andrew McCarthy as they prepare to get married. Robin will be returning as Robin Epperson McCarthy on Wednesday! Congrats Robin and Andrew! As always Eat Local, Drink Local, Live Local!! WoRd...


- Juan.

Juan Eduardo Micieli-Martinez
Winemaker - Martha Clara Vineyards
6025 Sound Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901
CHECK OUT THE JuanMaker on!


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