Morning Ya'll,
Well, things are moving right along in the vineyard. The crew is busy applying nets to the vines and tying them at the bottom all in an effort to thwart off our avian (a.k.a. - birds) friends. The vineyard looks awesome and the berries have begun the all important process of veraison(pronounced veh-ray-sohn). Veraison is the point in time in which grapes change color. All grapes start off as green and ultimately will change in color depending on the variety. Most of the whites turn a golden color, with the exception of Gewurztraminer and Pinot Gris. Gewurz turns a subtle purple-ish color and the Pinot Gris turns a light grey. Gris = Grey. Okay, how many of you just had that, "Ah, I get it" moment?
The vine has its own agenda, which is quite different than ours. The vines agenda is to see that it can pass on its genes via seeds. When the berries first form in the early spring they lack seeds. These seedless grapes to the eye are as green as the canopy (fancy way of saying the leaves) and are loaded with acidity (think lemons). Once seed development occurs the grapes will now start to change color as to differentiate from the canopy. This signals other species of animals to take notice of the berries because they are no longer camouflaged.
In addition to changing color the tart acidity begins to decrease and in its place sugar is now found. As the berries continues to mature the acidity continues to drop and sugar increases. It's an inverse relationship for those of us that remember all of that junk! This is a process that completely fascinates me.
In any event we have had some big news as it relates to two of our wines. Our 2005 Five-O Red received DOUBLE GOLD in the Best-of-Appellation Program through Appellation America. This wine is defined as one that demonstrates the potential of the North Fork. So, it is a big honor to have this. Additionally, we received BEST SAUVIGNON BLANC in New York State at the 2009 Wine and Food Classic for our 2008 SO VIN YON BLONK. I just loved reading that spelled out in the email I received informing me of this accolade. So, we have two more great selling points to offer our customers in addition to the many others!
The wine club is being prepared for shipment and in the fall wine club the all new 2008 Syrah Rose' will be included (96% Syrah, 4% Viognier). This is a wine club exclusive and just this past week we bottled the 2007 Malbec another wine club exclusive that will be available in the Winter wine club shipment. The Malbec promises to be a gem! Talk with ya'll soon!